Tag Archives: InterBase Labs

InterBase Journaling – InterBase Labs

InterBase Journaling

We (geeks) should all know that applications that run in memory run faster than those that have regular disk I/O.

Having more of the data processing in memory has a positive effect on speed and performance,  however its not without risk. As memory is transient, you are always at risk of data loss if the data in memory hasn’t been saved to disk (which is where you get the disk i/o speed degradation again.

InterBase brings together the speed of in memory data processing with the security of immediate disk I/O with InterBase Journaling. The write ahead logging enables InterBase to securely log the write transactions to the journal making the best of both worlds possible.

Using Journaling – the basics

Continue reading InterBase Journaling – InterBase Labs

InterBase User Security – InterBase Labs

InterBase User Security

User Security isn’t new; everyone is use to logging into the applications they use. To help developers build cross platform applications faster, InterBase has a flexible API for user security that simplifies the access to data held in InterBase regardless if your application is deployed to Windows, Mac, Linux, iOS and Android.

User Security in InterBase helps control WHO gets to see WHAT and is enhanced with a strong encryption model (which I covered in the Rising to the Data Security Challenge webinar) so lets focus on the foundations of user security in this article.

Planning your data security!

Continue reading InterBase User Security – InterBase Labs

InterBase Referential Integrity – InterBase Labs

InterBase Referential Integrity


InterBase has a number of options for Referential Integrity that are powerful to use and simplify keeping data valid.

This video covers (more reading from the InterBase DocWiki on the links here)

Tip for adding Constraints.

One very cool tip in the video is to use constraints to add in a unique key, this way you can drop it easily at runtime.  Remember, the field needs to be marketed NOT NULL to enable a primary or unique key.


The above example names the constraint U_TEST. (you can put whatever value you want in to name it, making it easy to drop with the following statement.


InterBase Labs

For more InterBase Labs videos visit the InterBase pages on the Embarcadero website.