InterBase on Linux

Following Jim McKeeth’s recent Embarcadero community post about preparing for Delphi for Linux, I wanted to add a few notes about how you can use Linux today as part of your server architecture; and also point out how to get ready for Linux by using InterBase.

InterBase on Linux

InterBase Server is available for both Windows 32bit and 64bit along with Linux 32bit and 64bit Servers.  For Linux, InterBase is certified for a number of distributions including

  • RHEL 7
  • RHEL 6
  • SuSE 11.3
  • Ubuntu 14

You can keep up with the latest supported platforms at 

Getting Started – InterBase in Linux

Gabe Goldfield, posted a really useful article last year about installing and getting started with InterBase on Linux.

InterBase – Portable Database format

Because InterBase uses the same On Disk Structure (ODS) you can do your development on Windows along side your favourite IDE (Visual Studio, Eclipse, RAD Studio, Delphi, C++Builder etc) and then copy your application database directly onto a linux machine ready for use.

InterBase – Deeply Embedded on Linux

InterBase ToGo is not currently supported on Linux, however the recent InterBase roadmap includes mention of InterBase ToGo being made available for the Linux Platform in the near future. This will ensure InterBase can be deployed embedded with your application for smaller application usage, as well via the traditional Server Installer for larger scale deployment mentioned above.

More on InterBase

For more on InterBase, make sure you check out