Tag Archives: Parallel Programming

Parallel Programming Thread Pool

In my Parallel Programming introduction post I explored how to easily get performance gains when running loop code by using the TParallel.For() loop construct. A key part of the Parallel Programming Library engine is the new ThreadPool that manages some of the complexity behind the scenes when using this syntax, but more on that later.

Following on from this first post I want to explore a common question I have heard. Is it possible to manage the Parallel Programming library thread pool Size? and if so how?

In short Yes, but I want to pose another question: Should you? – Lets explore this below.

Parallel programming thread pool

The Parallel programming thread pool is very smart! It automatically grows and shrinks based on CPU demand when your application runs and requires its use; it also throttles growth as your CPU usage rises ensuring it doesn’t over cook your CPU and ensuring you don’t lock up your machine. This inbuilt intelligence makes it very efficient and courteous out the box. All of this, without ANY management from us developers! 🙂 So why would you want to change this?

Thats not to say you can’t use a custom(ised) pool. If you do want to limit the size of a pool then you can override the defaults of  a TThreadPool.

TThreadPool Defaults

Defined in System.Threading, TThreadPool initiates with a default of 25 threads per CPU.

MaxThreadsPerCPU = 25;

TThreadPool multiplies the MaxThreadsPerCPU with the number of CPU’s on the machine (it gets this form calling TThread.ProcessorCount) and exposes the result via a read only property TThreadPool.MaxWorkerThreads.

To query the default pool size on your machine at runtime you can use TThreadPool’s handy class method that returns the default pool. With this pool you can then query the MaxWorkerThreads. e.g.

  i : integer;
  i := TThreadPool.Default.MaxWorkerThreads;
  ShowMessage('Pool size = '+i.ToString());

On my Windows VM running 2 cores I see 50, but on my Mac OS X with 8 cores, this code returns 200.

Customising a TThreadPool

Let me start this section by saying, modifying the default TThreadPool properties is not recommended. 

While possible, it is not recommended to modify the Default TThreadPool options as this is a global instance that is used throughout the application, and you never can be sure where and when its being used. You can however create your own instance of a TThreadPool that you modify and use and this is a better approach.

Creating and modifiying a TThreadPool

Creating a TThreadPool is as simple as declaring the variable and calling the constructor.

With an instance of a TThreadPool, you can then modify the MaxWorkerThreads by overriding the value using the method SetMaxWorkerThreads() which takes in an Integer. This sets it at a flat number regardless of the number of CPU’s you have available.  e.g. the following code reports 10 as the Max size on both my Windows and Mac OSX machines mentioned above.

  FPool : TThreadPool;


if Pool = nil then begin
  Pool := TThreadPool.Create;

Note, the MaxWorkerThreads number must always be greater than the MinimumWorkerThreads value that (by default) is set from TThread.ProcessorCount.

A word of caution..

Creating a new TThreadPool come with an overhead. From an initial test where I creating a new TThreadPool for running a small TParallel.For() loop, and then disposing it afterwards it actually decrease performance on your application compared to a traditional for loop. For this reason alone, I would always use a global TThreadPool. When the pool was created globally, the speed performance was immediately backup compared to the create and destroy on demand idea.

 Example of using a custom TThreadPool

Below is an example where Pool is a global TThreadPool.  When the button is selected to run a TThreadPool with a maximum of 10 WorkerThreads. The only adjustments from the example in the previous tutorials is that we now pass in Pool as a paramater to the For loop, note however that this is not being created and free’ed each time in this code.

  Pool: TThreadPool;

procedure TForm5.Button1Click(Sender: TObject);
 Tot: Integer;
 SW: TStopwatch;
 // counts the prime numbers below a given value
 Tot := 0;
 SW := TStopWatch.Create;

 if Pool = nil then begin 
   Pool := TThreadPool.Create;
 TParallel.For(1, Max, procedure (I: Integer)
     if IsPrime (I) then
       TInterlocked.Increment (Tot);
 Memo1.Lines.Add (Format (
 'Parallel (Custom Pool) for loop: %d - %d', [SW.ElapsedMilliseconds, Tot]));

I would say that while this gives me a sense of control, I actually don’t like the fact that I am messing with something that is highly tuned. I would personally conclude that a ThreadPool should be created as the application has initialised and that you use this. Ideally I would say use the default one, as it behaviour is very good already, but if you really want to make more work for yourself, then you can always set the properties of a new pool and use it.

 A thank you to Allen Bauer for his input while writing this post.

TTask.IFuture from the Parallel Programming Library

In my last post I spoke about TTask and how it enables us developers to quickly run multiple tasks at the same time with limited bottleneck in our applications. Moving on from that I want to explore IFuture which impletements ITask.


IFuture , provides TTask with a structure us developers can use to creating a function that returns a specific type (defined using Generics, thats the <T> bit you see in code sometimes).  Using an instance of IFuture, the process can run and then allow us to get other stuff done, until such point as we need the result. This allows us to prioritise code blocks to run in the order we want them to, but still ensure we get the value we need at the point we need it!


To get a value in the future, you first need to define what type of value, set it running and then go call it. To view this, below I am using a totally pointless (but shows how to use this feature) block of code, which I will break down step by step afterwards.

procedure TFormThreading.Button3Click(Sender: TObject);
 OneValue: IFuture <Integer>;
 OtherValue: Integer;
 Total: Integer;
 OneValue := TTask.Future<Integer>(function: Integer
     Result := ComputeSomething;
     Sleep(1000); // delay to show status


 OtherValue := ComputeSomething;


 Total := OtherValue + OneValue.Value;


 // result

The output of this code looks something like this..


Key points in the code

The first step, is using TTask.Future<T> to define the type to be returned, and then pass in the anonymous method to return the instance of that value. (Here we are getting an Integer from ComputeSomething so we use Integer as the type)

The output of calling TTask.Future is an instance of IFuture into the OneValue variable defined.

 OneValue := TTask.Future<Integer>(function: Integer
     Result := ComputeSomething;
     Sleep(1000); // delay to show status

OK, so putting a Sleep command in the anonymous method here is kind of pointless, but it does allow when running this demo code to see the result of the call to OneValue.Status change from WaitingToRun, to Running, to Completed.

As you read down further, you will see OneValue being queried for its current status. The code for converting our Future’s Status to a string is the same as any other Enumeration type, pass in the type you want to convert and the value to GetName.


The first value returned will be WaitingToRun as everything is prepared. Following the first status query, we call the same ComputeSomething task

 OtherValue := ComputeSomething;

Afterwards, we can check the status of OneValue and see that (due to the sleep taking longer than the ComputeSomething call) its now reporting as running.

So hold on! Does that mean we need to check the status to see if its OK to get the value? Well actually NO 🙂

 Total := OtherValue + OneValue.Value;

This line asks OneValue for its Value. If it is done, it will have the value ready for you, if not (as in this case) it will block and wait for IFuture to finish before executing the code making life very easy on us developers.

So thats IFuture, its a process that you can set running, but will return at the point it is ready. Another way to save time and speed up your application code.

Using TTask from the Parallel programming library

In my last post on using Parallel Programming and the TParallel.For construct we learned about the new System.Threading unit and how to use TParallel to make looping faster.  There are however times when you need to run multiple tasks that are not loops, but these can run in parallel.

Running a number of processes in tandem has been greatly simplified with System.Threading.TTask and System.Threading.ITask

TTask provides a class to create & manage interaction with instances of ITask. You can choose to WaitForAll or WaitForAny to finish before proceeding in code.

To give an example. Imagine you have two tasks. A and B.
If A takes 3 seconds and B takes 5 seconds how long does it take to get a result to a user?

  • Sequentially (without TTask / ITask) = 8 seconds.
  • Using TTask.WaitForAll = 5 seconds
  • Using TTask.WaitForAny = 3 seconds

Depending on what your doing, the speed for return can be dramatically quicker. So lets look at a code example for WaitForAll.

procedure TFormThreading.MyButtonClick(Sender: TObject);
 tasks: array of ITask;
 value: Integer;
 Setlength (tasks ,2);
 value := 0;

 tasks[0] := TTask.Create (procedure ()
     sleep (3000); // 3 seconds
     TInterlocked.Add (value, 3000);

 tasks[1] := TTask.Create (procedure ()
     sleep (5000); // 5 seconds
     TInterlocked.Add (value, 5000);

 ShowMessage ('All done: ' + value.ToString);

The above example uses an Array of ITask to process a set of tasks. The result returned is 8000, but despite 8 seconds worth of sleep commands, the first 3 seconds run in parallel, leaving the second task to finish before returning 2 seconds later, which equates to a 3 second gain on sequentially running the two tasks; and all of this without having to create your own custom threads and managing them return. 🙂

While speeding up a task to run before returning is good, you can also use TTask to prevent the user interface locking up if you want to start something in the background.  To do this, you can just run a single task and start it, for example

procedure TFormThreading.Button1Click(Sender: TObject);
 aTask: ITask;
 // not a thread safe snippet
 aTask := TTask.Create (procedure ()
     sleep (3000); // 3 seconds
     ShowMessage ('Hello');

This second example, if used, would allow the user to press the button multiple times resulting in multiple ShowMessage calls, however, used with care this is a powerful way to run task. This is also an example of asynchronous programming where you can start the Task, get on with other stuff, and then deal with the result as it returns.


ITasks provide a range of methods and properties to Start, Wait, Cancel and also a property for Status (Created, WaitingToRun, Running, Completed, WaitingForChildren, Canceled, Exception)

As ITask is an interface, you can always create your own classes that use ITask if you so wish, providing great flexibility to the frame work.

Parallel Programming with Delphi XE7; a quick introduction

Everyone knows that typically device / computers today have multiple CPU’s, even my phone has 4! But when it comes to programming to get full benefits of working across those cores its often been a little tricky or time consuming and extra code overhead to manage.  Well… that is until now with Parallel Programming with Delphi!

Starting with Delphi, C++ Builder and RAD Studio XE7, there is a new library that simplifies the effort needed to get tasks running in parallel, aptly named the Parallel Programming Library.

The Parallel Programming Library lives within the System.Threading unit and is made up of a number of new helpful features that can be easily introduced into new and also existing projects. There are also loads of overloaded arguments for fine tuning and supporting C++ working with this as well as Object Pascal.

These features include a new Parallel for loop that is easy to uses, along side a number of more advanced features for running tasks, joining tasks, waiting on groups of tasks etc to process. Under the hood there is a thread pool that self tunes itself automatically (based on the load on the CPU’s).

To give you an idea about how easily this is to plug in, lets take a simple example where you want to work out if a number is a prime number.

function IsPrime (N: Integer): Boolean;
 Test: Integer;
 IsPrime := True;
 for Test := 2 to N - 1 do
   if (N mod Test) = 0 then
     IsPrime := False;
     break; {jump out of the for loop}

The traditional way to loop  and check for the number of prime numbers between 1 to X value would be to do something like this where each number is checked in sequence and the total stored into a variable (here Tot is an integer)

 Max = 50000; // 50K

for I := 1 to Max do
   if IsPrime (I) then
     Inc (Tot);

Using the new Parallel library, this can be achieved by replaces the “for” command with a call to the class function TParallel.For passing in the code to be run as an anonymous method.

In addition, to avoid clashes with multiple threads running, you can call TInterlocked.Increment.

TParallel.For(1, Max, procedure (I: Integer)
   if IsPrime (I) then
     TInterlocked.Increment (Tot);

So what difference does this make?

Using TStopWatch from System.Diagnostics we are able to test the time to run each version of the loop above. Even on my VM running only 2 cores the time drops from 415ms for the standard for loop down to 192ms using the Parallel programming library version. On my Mac where there are more cores available it goes from 382ms down to 90ms for the same test!

What I love about this, is this is a really easy solution to plug into existing code as its part of the language and framework.

The great thing about writing native code is that we can take advantage of all the cores on a device. 🙂 Including Mobiles! However, as a word of caution, use it only where you need to on mobile as it will use more battery if you are running multiple threads heavily.


An other example that can help get your head around how to use the Parallel Programming library is a sample of Conways game of life for both Object Pascal and C++ in the samples directory shipped with XE7, located in the RTL samples. e.g.

C:\Users\Public\Documents\Embarcadero\Studio\15.0\Samples\Object Pascal\RTL\Parallel Library
C:\Users\Public\Documents\Embarcadero\Studio\15.0\Samples\CPP\RTL\Parallel Library

Not sure about you, but I’m off to speed up some processing in some old projects I have 🙂 Happy coding!