MKS Covid19 App Saving LiVes

The Military Institute of Medicine in Poland has been making the news recently with its app that is helping fight the spread of the global SARS-CoV-2 pandemic.

Piotr Murawski Ph.D, (Head of ICT, Military Institute of Medicine, Warsaw, Poland) shared recently with me how back on the 13th March, 2020, that after the SARS-CoV-2 epidemic reached Europe, the experience of other countries alerted his team that it will not be easy to control the infection, and testing will take a longer time than normal due to the numbers. This intern would have a negative impact on controlling the spread of the disease.

The solution

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Auto Inc Fields in RAD Server with InterBase

How to create Auto Incremental Fields in RAD Server with InterBase, FireDAC and TEMSDataSetResource

One key feature when asking a remote server to add a record is to get the new record ID value returned. Thankfully this is easily achieved with InterBase and FireDAC via RAD Server with TEMSDataSetResource

InterBase has a concept of Generators. These provide a unique sequential integer value that can be used to provide a primary key field value. You can create up to 32,767 Generators in an InterBase database, but typically you would create one for the database or create and name one for use per table.

FireDAC Query UpdateOptions AutoInc

Part of the FireDAC framework is the ability to treat database fields as Auto-Incremental Fields. For Databases that do not have an AutoIncremental field data type, you can set the UpdateOptions properties to define the Generator and key fields.

Continue reading Auto Inc Fields in RAD Server with InterBase

Open Innovation, RAD Server and Enterprise Connectors

The sheer volume of data that is collected has exploded in recent years thanks to digitalization and modern cloud architectures that support massive data collection, and encourage widespread cross-sharing of data.

The growth trend of having applications with easily accessible API’s, provide a rich base for rapidly adding functionality, and choice of functionality to new applications, based on existing software that is already being widely used. – Enabling a customer to expand their existing systems easily through the choice of software is a real example of Open Innovation. This approach makes it easier to get your software adopted into a customer’s existing business capabilities.

Continue reading Open Innovation, RAD Server and Enterprise Connectors

Developer Direct – IDE Special – 8th April

David, Marco, and I are back again on Wednesday 8th at 11am BST / 12pm CEST to talk about Development within the RAD Studio IDE.

After the previous session talking about working from home under Covid19, we asked for input on what you wanted to discuss. From the ideas submitted, we picked a discussion around the IDE.

We aim to share top tips and tricks, and also, as David is the Senior Product Manager responsible for RAD Studio IDE, (along with Visual Assist, – the Visual Studio plugin from Whole Tomato for C++ and C#), we should get some great insight to the background around a number of recent changes, and what to expect moving forward too!

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