Tag Archives: Azure

How to use Azure Cloud Cognitive Services?

What is Azure Cognitive Services?

According to Microsoft, the Cognitive Services in the Microsoft Azure Cloud bring AI within reach of every developer, without requiring machine learning expertise.

Using the Azure Cognitive Services API you can use API’s to embed the ability to hear, speak, translate and understand directly into your applications.

— keep reading to see how to use Azure Services with Delphi (inc Videos and code sample —

Continue reading How to use Azure Cloud Cognitive Services?

Creating and connecting to MSSQL Database on Azure with Delphi / C++Builder

Creating and connecting to MSSQL Database on Azure with Delphi / C++Builder

I have been asked multiple times recently about connecting to a  Azure databases with Delphi and C++Builder. So….I decided to make a video! Which even shows how to use the data directly at design time in the RAD Studio IDE.

The video follows the the 3 phases.

  • Creating an account
  • Creating a database
  • Connecting to the database from the RAD Studio IDE

Continue reading Creating and connecting to MSSQL Database on Azure with Delphi / C++Builder