Tag Archives: Tutorials

Delphi Boot Camp

Delphi Boot Camp, 100% discount on Starter Edition and Marco’s Book!

Delphi Boot Camp - 5th to 9th September 2016
Delphi Boot Camp – 5th to 9th September 2016

Following on from the recent success of the C++ Builder Boot Camp, attended by programmers from 128 countries, its Delphi Boot Camp time!!

Delphi Boot Camp

Join Embarcadero experts and leading community MVP’s for 5 workshops from Monday 5th September to Friday 9th September.

Focusing on getting stared and using the FMX framework to create cross platform ready code, Delphi Boot Camp is a great way to learn new skills and ask leading experts direct questions on application development.

Date Session Presenters
5th Sept Introduction to Delphi: The IDE and Your First App David I
6th Sept Getting to Know the Delphi Language Marco Cantu
7th Sept Building Effective User Interfaces with FireMonkey Jim McKeeth  & Daniele Tetti
8th Sept Game Development with Delphi Eli M
9th Sept Stepping up to Mobile and Database Development Jim McKeeth
Register Now!

100% Discount on Delphi Starter Edition

To help you with your study at boot camp. Embarcadero are also making Delphi Starter Edition available with 100% discount! All you need to do is register, download and install your Delphi license! But don’t stop there!

Marco Cantu’s Object Pascal hand book!

The final part of the Boot Camp is the programming book! Delphi is the home to modern Object Pascal programming and you can get up to speed with the modern Delphi / Object Pascal language with the help of Marco Cantu’s awesome handbook.

Marco Cantu is the Delphi Product Manager and world leading Delphi expert. His ever popular Object Pascal handbook is available as a free e-download for the duration of the course to anyone on Starter edition! All you need to do is register, download and install the Delphi Starter Edition  and then visit Code Central registered user downloads. To get you there quicker, click  http://cc.embarcadero.com/item/30605.

See you online and happy coding!

Connecting to InterBase from Visual Studio

I was recently asked how to connect to InterBase from Visual Studio, and while its not something I have done before, luckily I know a man who has. – Thanks to Gabe Goldfield for checking the example below with InterBase XE7 and Visual Studio 2013 Ultimate.

Connecting to InterBase from Visual Studio

InterBase currently supports an ADO.Net driver that works with InterBase XE, XE3 and XE7 providing both 32bit and 64bit support. Full details here.


  • You will need to have .Net 2.0 SDK with update.
  • Microsoft Visual Studio 2005 or above.
  • InterBase XE or above.

Installation Instructions

Usage Instructions

  • Start Visual Studio 2005/2008
  • File new C# Windows application
  • Project – Add Reference and add the AdoDbxClient.dll, DbxCommonDriver, DBXInterBaseDriver to your project.
  • Add a DataGridView component to your Windows Form
  • The sample code below fills a DataGridView component with the contents of the employee table of the employee.gdb sample InterBase database:

Code Example

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.Data;
using System.Drawing;
using System.Text;
using System.Windows.Forms;
using Borland.Data;
using Borland.Data.Units;
using System.Data.SqlClient;
using System.Data.Common;
namespace IBXEApplication1
    public partial class Form1 : Form
        public Form1()
        public DbConnection getConnection()
           // DbProviderFactory factory = DbProviderFactories.GetFactory
             //            ("Borland.Data.AdoDbxClient");
            DbConnection c = new TAdoDbxInterBaseConnection();
            //DbConnection c = factory.CreateConnection();
            c.ConnectionString = "Database=C:\\Embarcadero\\InterBase\\examples\\database\\employee.gdb;User_Name=sysdba;Password=masterkey";
            return c;
        public void ReadData(DbConnection conn)
            string sql = "select * from employee";
            DbCommand cmd = conn.CreateCommand();
            cmd.CommandText = sql;
            DbDataReader myreader = cmd.ExecuteReader();
            dataGridView1.DataSource = myreader;
            DataSet ds = new DataSet();
            DataTable dt = new DataTable("employee");
            ds.Load(myreader, LoadOption.PreserveChanges, ds.Tables[0]);
            dataGridView1.DataSource = ds.Tables[0];
        private void dataGridView1_CellContentClick(object sender, DataGridViewCellEventArgs e)


Delphi, C++ and InterBase Community

I’m sure some of you have seen the new Delphi, C++ and InterBase community platform that is being developed at Embarcadero. If not I would highly recommend a visit.

The Embarcadero Community is the new home to blogs, event diaries, latest news and features articles. While the old locations are still working, over time expect to see more and more on the community. Community is also social media ready with links for Facebook, Twitter, linkedIn and Google+

Community Welcome Page

Continue reading Delphi, C++ and InterBase Community

Free FireDAC training online

FireDAC Training

Free FireDAC training online!

FireDAC is the Universal Data Access library for developing applications for multiple devices, connected to enterprise databases.

Starting tomorrow you can join the embarcadero team for free FireDAC training online in these special sessions, where you will be taken from a beginner to an expert by showing you how to utilise FireDAC in multiple situations.

Having used multiple database technologies over the years of developing with Delphi, I have been exceptionally impressed by the raw power of FireDAC and how fast and easy it makes the most difficult jobs as a database developer.

The sessions run every Thursday from Jan 22-Mar 26 in 3 time zones so no excuse for missing out!

Register now for free

Date Topic
January 22 Introduction to FireDAC
January 29 Monitoring and Tracing
February 5 Cached Updates and Auto-inc Fields
February 12 Array DML
February 19 Cascading Options System
February 26 Preprocessing
March 5 ETL
March 12 In-Memory Dataset
March 19 Local SQL
March 26 BDE to InterBase Migration

Register now for free

Free XE7 Trial

If your not a XE7 customer you can get the most out of these session by downloading a Delphi XE7 free trial here.

IBLite example from CodeRage 9

The Object Pascal programming source code for the IBLite example from CodeRage 9 that I demo’ed is now available from Embarcadero’s Code Central http://cc.embarcadero.com/item/30035

The C++ programming version demo’ed requires the data module from the Object Pascal code, so once I’ve cleaned that up I’ll post that as well.

The IBLite example code works on Windows, Mac OS X, iOS and Android.  The session replays are available online via the CodeRage website. – More on the InterBase sessions in my previous post


InterBase CodeRage 28th-30th November

CodeRage 9Register NOW and join me live at #CodeRage!

CodeRage is a fantastic Object Pascal programming and C++ Programming event – highly recommended for any developer, and best of all – REGISTRATION IS FREE!!

Missed it or got a meeting? – Don’t worry, register and you can still get to see the replays!

My two InterBase CodeRage Sessions!

I will be presenting two InterBase CodeRage sessions on Thursday 30th November 2014

  • the InterBase Keynote (8am Pacific / 4pm UK / 5pm CET) where we will be revealing some of the exciting new developments we are working on with InterBase with project DeltaForce!
  • I will also be talking about InterBase’s free edition that can be used on Windows, Mac OS X, Android and iOS – IBLite in the session Embedding local and remote data access into your applications with IBLite (3pm – C++ & 6pm – Object Pascal)

For times and details of all sessions visit the CodeRage website – See you there!!


Mobile Development Lessons – Delphi & C++

Free series of mobile development lessons for Android and iOS based on C++ and Object Pascal.

Earlier in the year the 2nd edition of the mobile development summer school was run by David I and Jim McKeeth. It was great fun doing the first edition and its amazing to see how some of the tech has moved on further in the year since we first ran summer school. This years was more popular than ever and has been made available on YouTube

YouTube Playlist for video replays


Blogs for slides and samples:

To get started is easy!

Download your free trial of RAD Studio https://downloads.embarcadero.com/free/rad_studio

or your FREE edition of Appmethod (C++ Free for Android mobile)

Happy Coding!