Delphi is turning 25!

This week, Delphi is turning 25, and as part of the celebrations, members of the community have been encouraged to share their stories about Delphi, what they love and how it has helped their careers.

Delphi was originally launched on the 14th of February 1995, while I was still at 6th form College. It kind of passed me by, to be honest. At the time, I was just purchasing (well my parents did) my first PC with Windows on it. I was, however, using Pascal in the computer labs in some elective modules I took alongside my primary studies. (Progressing on from Basic).

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Creating PDF Reports in RAD Server

Creating PDF Reports in RAD Server

Reporting is a critical aspect of any enterprise application, but the data and the programming components to create reports are not always available on all platforms?

It took a little trial and error to work out the best path to create reports via RADServer using the components out the box.  In this post, I will share what I have learned along the way.

Reporting Components

The obvious answer to generating a report that can show on mobile is to create a report PDF report remotely download the PDF to the client over REST. But which version and platforms can be used?

Fast Reports (Embarcadero Edition), which is included in RAD Studio, provides everything we need to create a report and save it out to PDF for export.

Fast Reports – VCL or FMX?

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