Category Archives: Intermediate

Articles for seasoned developers

LiveBindings in VCL – Part 6 – Master Object, Detail TDataSet

Useful background to this post is available in post 4 (Linking to an Object for master detail) and post 5 (advanced master detail).

Filtering a TDataSet as detail of an object

Having explored how to link to a Master Detail relationship and created a funky anonymous method to return the data, I thought there is no reason why I should have to be returning linked data. The data could be from anywhere.

One example people have asked about when I’ve been at developer events is how to link an object to be the master for filtering a TDataSet… well, this actually provides a simple example for doing exactly this (as you can see in this video)

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LiveBindings in VCL – Part 4 – Master Detail and Objects as Properties

This is the 4th video and blog in a series on using Visual LiveBindings mixed into existing VCL applications. 

In my last post, we looked at how to bind directly in code, using some common Visual LiveBinding Classes and in the next post we will look at more classes that can be used and the difference in the bindings they create. However before we get there a number of you asked about binding to master detail and sub objects. So lets explore this matter.

More in the blog post.

Continue reading LiveBindings in VCL – Part 4 – Master Detail and Objects as Properties

LiveBindings in VCL Part 3: Bindings via code

This is the third post of a series looking at using VCL and LiveBindings. This posts will expand on post 2 and dynamically create via code the LiveBindings at run time.

In my second blog post on Using LiveBindings in a VCL application, I looked at using the Prototype bind source for the first time and how it can be used to link objects to screens. But what if you need to work this out dynamically?

Dynamically linking to objects is possible if you create the LiveBindings at run time and in this video I show how to easily work out the components and properties you need to setup. This post builds on what was learned in the previous posts VCL LiveBindings and DataSets and VCL LiveBindings to Objects

Continue reading LiveBindings in VCL Part 3: Bindings via code

Using Azure Translator Services with Delphi

This content has been updated to reflect changes to the Microsoft API’s, including new Source Code. Read the latest and get the latest code from the updated blog post (linked above)

Often when building IoT applications there is benefit in linking to 3rd party services. e.g. Heating control systems may link to weather services to help detect external influences that may effect their operation. Typically these services are exposed via JSON and REST providing multi-platform access.

Microsoft Azure data services offer access to a wide range of datasets and services and in this blog post I will take you over my journey connecting to the Azure translator data service and achieving translation of text on Windows, Mac OS X, iOS and Android thanks to the REST components and helper classes in RAD Studio XE8.

About Microsoft Azure Translator Data

Microsoft Translator is a WEB API that enables Automatic Translation (Machine Translation) of text between any of the 50 supported languages

The Azure Translator data is used by Microsoft Office, Visual Studio, Bing and many more Microsoft products. It works over REST using a mix of JSON and XML to provide a number of services including translation and text to audio.

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What to do with Beacons before you code?

A beacon is a Bluetooth Low Energy device including some information in its advertising data.

Working with beacons requires code to read the beacons and some setup to ensure you read only the right beacons, especially as more and more are appearing! This article mainly focuses on the latter and what you should be aware of before you deploy your beacons.

Continue reading What to do with Beacons before you code?

Delphi, C++ and InterBase Community

I’m sure some of you have seen the new Delphi, C++ and InterBase community platform that is being developed at Embarcadero. If not I would highly recommend a visit.

The Embarcadero Community is the new home to blogs, event diaries, latest news and features articles. While the old locations are still working, over time expect to see more and more on the community. Community is also social media ready with links for Facebook, Twitter, linkedIn and Google+

Community Welcome Page

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