Migration Links from DelphiCon 2020

Firstly, thank you to the hundreds of you who joined us for the panel discussion at DelphiCon2020. As promised during that session, here is a summary of the links we shared during the panel discussion..

Migration and Upgrade Center

A lot of useful content and papers are on the Migration and Upgrade Center on the Embarcadero website http://embt.co/MigrationCenter

This includes

  1. Unicode
  2. 64bit Migration
  3. Database and Middleware
  4. 3rd Party Components
  5. Monetization 

Tip & Tricks, White Papers, Videos, Articles


There are so many useful channels. But the official one for Embarcadero, including links to language specific content is https://www.youtube.com/c/EmbarcaderoTechnologies

A special call out t o the Modernizing Your Apps (Upgrade and Migrate) section that has 15+ helpful videos, including the move to Windows 10

Migration Automation links

reFind – The_Search_and_Replace_Utility_Using_Perl_RegEx_Expressions.

Delphi Parser – Great 3rd party tool for helping migrate Delphi and C++ code.

Unicode Analysis Tool – Great for working out the scope of what you need to do.

String to AnsiString Convertor tool (Falling back to AnsiString) – If you don’t need Unicode, this might be the way to go.

InterBase DataPump – Great for migrating from BDE to InterBase

Mida – VCL to FireMonkey Converter Toolhttp://www.midaconverter.com/

Other Links

Migrating Midas to DataSnap (Middle-Tier migration)https://blogs.embarcadero.com/migrating-legacy-dcom-based-datasnap-servers-from-delphi-2007-and-earlier-to-delphi-2009-2010-and-later/

3rd party components/libraries (GeitIt Partner Center)

Migrating BDE Applications to FireDAC (the_Search_and_Replace_Utility_Using_Perl_RegEx_Expressions)

Converting 32-bit Delphi Applications to 64-bit Windows

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