FireDAC Book – Using InterBase

New book – Delphi in Depth: FireDAC

There has been a growing stream of Delphi books in the last year covering everything from cross-platform development with FireMonkey to coding best practices around OOP. The latest book to be released is by long time Delphi Author Cary Jensen, specifically looking at database development with the cross-platform enabled FireDAC.

If you have been developing with Delphi for any amount of time, then you will probably know about Cary Jensen.  For those who don’t, Cary has written more than twenty-five books on software development, including some of the most popular works on ClientDataSets. Cary is an Embarcadero MVP and has been providing training, consultancy, and software development services since 1998.

Cary’s latest book, Delphi in Depth: FireDAC is now out and available covering 17 chapters about using FireDAC, the blazingly fast multi-platform database components from Embarcadero.

In Cary’s own words from his blog – this is the NEW goto book for database development with Delphi – and from a quick scan – I completely agree!

 I felt that this book should be more than just a FireDAC book. It should be a book that deserves to be on the shelf of every Delphi database developer. For the new Delphi database developer who is unfamiliar with the “Delphi way” of doing things, this book contains discussions of and demonstrations of the essential techniques that every Delphi database developer needs to know. This includes concepts like the TDataSet interface, the current record, and how to read to and write from TFields. (Just a note here, this book assumes you are using Delphi XE6 or later.)

Spanning over 500 pages, the book is full of examples, tips and techniques for making your database applications scream!

The book starts with an overview of the Features of FireDAC, 8 pages of high-level notes about the breadth of FireDAC – everything from Cross platform support, to ArrayDML, to DataType mapping and using LocalSQL (a very cool feature of FireDAC).

The book then helps you get started in the IDE and your applications before moving into the more advanced topics.

The other topics… see Cary’s blog. It’s well detailed. There are  17 if them, but in summary:
Chapter 1: Overview of FireDAC
Chapter 2: Connecting to Data
Chapter 3: Configuring FireDAC
Chapter 4: Basic Data Access
Chapter 5: More Data Access
Chapter 6: Navigating and Editing Data
Chapter 7: Creating Indexes
Chapter 8: Searching Data
Chapter 9: Filtering Data
Chapter 10: Creating and Using Virtual Fields
Chapter 11: Persisting Data
Chapter 12: Understanding FDMemTables
Chapter 13: More FDMemTables: Cloned Cursors and Nested DataSets
Chapter 14: The SQL Command Preprocessor
Chapter 15: Array DML
Chapter 16: Using Cached Updates
Chapter 17: Understanding Local SQL

InterBase inside

The book uses the IoT Award winning InterBase for the examples. InterBase is the cross-platform SQL database for Windows, macOS, iOS, Android and Linux.

To download the latest developer edition of InterBase for free click here.

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