See Whats Coming in Delphi and C++ Builder


September 2nd is due to be a very important day in Delphi & C++ Builder history, if the recent news from Microsoft and what I have collated from the “whats coming” posts recently.

Register for the Delphi and C++ Builder “First look”

Spoiler alert!

If you only want to find out whats new when you’re on the “See whats coming in Delphi, RAD Studio and C++ Builder” webinar on the 2nd September, then don’t read further. You may learn

What we know already…

Already mentioned on Delphi Product Marketing Manager, Brian Alexakis’s blog are

And I’m sure there is more to come, so might be worth book marking Brian A’s community blog

Windows 10

Following on from the recent WinRT update that Marco Cantu blogged about, the support for Windows 10 is expected to be market leading. Will there be new VCL visual components? (Guess your have to join the webinar to find out)

With Microsoft telling us windows 10 has already been downloaded onto over 75 million devices, one thing is for sure. You can not ignore windows 10 and its time to learn what that means for you as a developer – and you will want to get to those new API’s!

Need help upgrading? See this post from Craig Chapman on Migrating to newer versions of Delphi

Delphi & C++ Survey

In short… Developer Survey is Closing tomorrow… Get your responses in now if you haven’t.  – that is, once you have registered for the Webinar next week, as you REALLY don’t want to miss that!

Register for the Delphi and C++ Builder “First look”

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